
How to manage fungicide resistance in your crops

Selecting fungicides strategically and maximizing fungicide efficacy

Promoting healthy plants and evaluating the need for disease control


Economics of herbicide resistance

Herbicide resistance 101

How to manage herbicide resistance in your fields

Managing herbicide-tolerant volunteers

Herbicide-tolerant crops 101

Managing herbicide-resistant kochia

Managing herbicide-resistant wild oats

Economic gains from resistance management


Evaluating the need for insecticide application

Follow insecticide best practices

Practice integrated pest management

Bt Corn

How resistance develops in Bt corn

Managing insect resistance through refuge planting

Bt corn 101

Managing corn rootworm resistance to Bt corn in continuous corn fields

How to manage insect resistance in your Bt corn

Resistance management advice for farmers, from farmers. 

In-field monitoring key to the fight against blight and fungicide resistance

Three things I’ve learned about managing resistance first-hand

Grower makes resistance management part of his routine

Saskatchewan agronomist recommends a diversity of practices

Diversity key to managing herbicide resistant weeds

Growers have the tools to manage fungicide resistance in pulses

Apple grower practices diligent management to fight disease and fungicide resistance

Getting tough on herbicide-resistant wild oats

Multiple strategies key to successfully managing pest and insecticide resistance

Climate change and pest migration expected to increase insecticide resistance

Agronomist urges proactive resistance management for Alberta sugar beet growers

Local knowledge, monitoring and early control are keys to success for Nova Scotia grower

Resistance management study guide

Resistance Management School: It’s all about diversity

Resistance Management School: Seeding rates to the rescue

Resistance Management School: Multi-resistant waterhemp

Resistance Management School: Testing for herbicide resistance

Resistance Management School: Weed resistance across the west

Resistance Management School: Group 1 resistant wild oats

Resistance Management School: Risk management

Resistance Management School: Hitching a ride across the continent

Resistance Management School: Getting a handle on fungicide resistance

Resistance Management School: Scouting and rotation

Resistance Management School: How to deploy fungicides in your fields

More resistance management videos

Fungicide Resistance Management

Insecticide Resistance Management

CropLife International and IRAC explains the importance of mode of action in insect resistance management

Managing insect resistance in Bt corn

How does herbicide resistance develop?

Understanding Resistant Wild Oats

Hear From A Grower: Wrap up